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CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY ECONOMIC & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM AVIEMORE HIGHLAND RESORT 30TH NOVEMBER 2004 ATTENDEES: Peter Argyle Chair John Rainy Brown VABS Jaci Douglas Kids-Scotland Kate Gordon-Rogers Scottish Rural Property and Business Association Richard Robinson SNH Elaine Booth Scottish Enterprise Grampian Maree Thyne Robert Gordon University Ron Reid Enterprise North East Trust Tim Whittome Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce Anne Maclean CNPA Board Judith Mccullogh TIGHRA Kate Adamson Association of Cairngorms Community Councils Alasdair Coloquohoun Association of Cairngorms Community Councils Alistair Cluness National Trust for Scotland Louise Clark Highland Council Jim Knowles Aberdeenshire Council Prue Dowie Angus Council Sandra Murray Cairngorm Mountain Ltd Jan Leith Age Concern Bill Bailey The Touler Judith Aylett Mar Area Partnership Gregor Rimell CNPA Board Basil Dunlop CNPA Board Eleanor Mackintosh CNPA Board Joyce Simpson CNPA Board Hamish Trench CNPA Nick Halfhide CNPA John Thorne CNPA Andrew Harper CNPA Fiona Munro CNPA Rita Callander CNPA APOLOGIES Andrew Mackenzie Badaguish Cairngorm Outdoor Centre Heather Bantick Boat of Garten Community Company Bell Macaulay Ballater (RD) Ltd Ken Macmillan All Abilities Communication Network James Gibbs MBSE Elaine Jackson Angus Council/Kirriemuir & the Glens Partnership Lorna Duguid Scottish Enterprise Grampian Gillian Lochhead Scottish Enterprise Tayside Stuart Young Scottish Estates Business Group Mark Shucksmith University of Aberdeen Ranald Robertson HITRANS Peter Cockhead NESTRANS Bill Hepburn Tulloch Group Ross Watson Scottish Youth Parliament member Lesley Macinnes Historic Scotland 1. Peter Argyle, Chair, welcomed everyone and gave a brief introduction. 2. Andrew Harper, Head of Economic & Social Development at the CNPA presented a paper on the role, membership and method of operation of the new Economic & Social Development (ESD) Forum. - Everyone present was happy to participate in this and future ESD forum meetings - The remit was briefly discussed and accepted - Membership: a membership list was distributed later in the meeting. Forum members were asked to comment as to whether they saw any obvious gaps in the membership. ACTION AH - Those present felt that the time of the meeting was suitable, but it was agreed that the views of those who had not attended should be sought. ACTION JT - It was suggested that Forum meetings could include a local presentation depending on location. This would inform members and stimulate debate, sharing good practice. 2. Nick Halfhide gave a presentation explaining the purpose of the Park Plan, and the process by which it is being developed. Dr Euan Mackay of Reference Economic Consultants outlined the work he was undertaking to identify the policy context, key issues and strategic objectives for the ‘Communities Living & Working in the Park’ section of the Park Plan. - Concerns were raised about the review process ‘freezing’ policy, but reassurances were given that CNPA interim policies were in place, and that the policy review was seen as a continuous, fluid process. - A question was asked as to how communities would input to the development of the Park Plan. NH responded by saying that the community was kept in touch via the Park Life magazine. Community meetings were also ongoing to consult directly on the Local Plan, and the information gained from this would also inform the Park Plan. - It was pointed out that this review may throw up policies that are inconsistent with the Park aims. EM replied that often this was not an issue with national strategy, but rather of how policies are applied at a local level. The review process would allow these issues to be addressed. - The comment was made that the CNP is well placed to act as a test bed for national policy. 3. Andrew Harper then presented forum paper 2. Economic & Social Trends: The following points were made in relation to the key economic and social trends: - In relation to the statement that a ‘significant number of Park residents may be overqualified to the available work’, the objective should be to raise the quality of jobs. - The low proportion of sick/disabled people was likely to be a reflection of people choosing to live elsewhere due to inadequate facilities/services in the Park. - The point was raised that the national deprivation index does not adequately reflect issues within the Park. It was agreed that we should only use those indicators that are useful for the Park area, to increase confidence in statistics in general. Developing the Vision: - The draft community development vision was thought to be trying too hard to include all issues, and to be over-long. - Work on the vision was undertaken in groups, the feedback from which is appended. AH explained that this would be used to draft a vision which will be circulated to the Forum for comment, before being discussed by the CNPA Board in January. 4. Next meeting - The provisional date was set for Friday, 18th February 2005 - Feedback was requested from everyone on timing, and if the structure of the day should be altered. - The next meeting will discuss strategic objectives for the ‘Communities Living & Working in the Park’ section of the Park Plan.